Strawberry Smoothie without Banana

Most strawberry smoothie recipes call for bananas, and, since I can’t stand bananas, I’ve avoided predominantly strawberry smoothies. However, a while ago I heard about people using summer squash as a banana substitute. It sounds weird, but it has such a mild flavor that it works, and it helps bulk out the smoothie. I also used a date to add the sweetness that a banana would have provided. Continue Reading →

Chestnut Mushroom Soup

My mom made this delicious soup last Thanksgiving. It was so good that I had to make it myself, but, by the time I did, chestnuts were already out of most stores, so I’ve been waiting to post it. I just saw fresh chestnuts at the market, so it’s finally time! The combination of chestnuts and mushrooms, enhanced with a little sherry, gives a deep and satisfying flavor. Continue Reading →

Vitamix Salsa

Vitamix Salsa with chipsI enjoy fresh (uncooked) salsa, though sometimes it can be a bit watery. There are various tricks to make it less watery, which mainly consist of using less-watery tomato varieties and/or straining out some of the liquid. I had an idea to thicken the salsa with chia seeds, and I’m happy with the result. There is still some liquid that separates out, but the bulk of the salsa is satisfyingly thick. Continue Reading →