Proponents of vacuum blending claim that it improves quality by reducing oxidation. Vacuum blenders are not yet widely available in the US, but it appears that they may be coming soon. I rigged up my own vacuum container for a … Continue Reading →
Proponents of vacuum blending claim that it improves quality by reducing oxidation. Vacuum blenders are not yet widely available in the US, but it appears that they may be coming soon. I rigged up my own vacuum container for a … Continue Reading →
If you’ve ever had your Vitamix blender abruptly stop working, most likely it was the thermal override kicking in. The thermal override turns the motor off before the motor burns out. Then, once the motor cools, you can run it … Continue Reading →
These pictures show the inside of a Vitamix 7500 base. I had it open for my project to understand motor heating. I found it fascinating, and thought some of you may be interested as well. Did you enjoy this post? … Continue Reading →
Vitamix blenders are famous for their high power, but what does that power actually mean, and do they deliver the horsepower that Vitamix claims? Did you enjoy this post? Enter your email below to receive updates when new posts are … Continue Reading →
If you’ve ever wondered exactly what the different Vitamix preset programs do, this post is for you. The programs ramp the machine through a sequence of speeds, and I thought it would be interesting to find out what those sequences … Continue Reading →
Everyone knows that Vitamix blenders spin fast, but what are the actual Vitamix RPM speeds? And are there differences between the speeds of Classic and Next Generation Vitamix motors? In this post I answer these questions by measuring Vitamix RPM … Continue Reading →