All-Green Smoothie

All Green SmoothieAs I’ve written before, sometimes it’s nice to make a smoothie that has a pure vibrant color. Here’s one with all green ingredients. Berries plus greens can be tasty, but the combination often results in a muddy brown color. This recipe is a bit of a liquid salad, and it’s refreshing. In spite of its bright green color, it does not have an overwhelming vegetable flavor.

Avocado gives it some thickness, turning it from a total juice into a smoothie. The avocado also makes it less frothy. (Check out the difference between the picture on this page, and the recent spicy green drink.)

If you add too much avocado, you’ll get a pudding instead of a smoothie. To keep leftover avocado, I’ve been cutting avocados into quarters, removing the skin, and freezing them, so they’re always fresh and ready for a smoothie. I (slightly irrationally) hate it when avocado starts getting brown in the fridge.

For each serving:

⅓ cup water
½ cucumber
juice from ½ lime
¼ medium avocado, skin/pit removed
handful greens (spinach or lettuce)
1 medium-small green apple, quartered and seeds removed
6 ice cubes

Blend on high until smooth.

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All-Green Smoothie — 6 Comments

  1. I’m new to all this blending and smoothie-making with having just got my new Vitamix. I’ve read several of your recipes and have noticed you often remove the seeds, core, skin from apples, pears, etc. With a Vitamin, can’t you just throw that in as well?

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