New Model Vitamix 6000 12-in-1 Automatic Blender

Vitamix 6000Vitamix quietly released a new consumer model last week, the Vitamix 64 oz. 12-in-1 Automatic Blender. It’s a Standard machine, which means it is designed for the classic narrow containers with 3-inch blades and not the Next Generation wide container (to see which models are Standard and which are Next Generation, see my Vitamix comparison page). The front panel shares the same layout as the 6300 and Pro 500, including the handy on-off switch on the bottom left, the pulse toggle-switch on the top left, and the start-stop toggle switch on the top right. The central knob is physically the same, but its settings are different. It has six timed settings: 20 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 1.5 min, 4.5 min, and 6.5 min. There is no manual variable speed control. 

In short, I don’t think that this is the best machine for most people to choose. I think the Certified Reconditioned models are a significantly better deal. See below for more details.

Vitamix is selling the 6000 for $599, which seems quite steep for a machine without variable speed control and which does not use the Next Generation container. I noticed that the warranty is only 5 years, instead of the 7 years typical for most new Vitamix machines. The shorter warranty strongly suggests that this machine is mainly branded for sale on QVC. Indeed, if you search Google for “Vitamix 6000,” a QVC ad turns up for the 6000, listed as a “Today’s Special Value (TSV).” According to the QVC forum, it looks like QVC has a Vitamix scheduled to be a TSV on October 27th, so somehow the Google ad is displaying early. (If you search the QVC site for “Vitamix,” the 6000 does not currently turn up.)

For those of you who have never seen Vitamix on QVC, you might get a kick out of seeing some of their presentation. They demo a set of recipes, which can be inspiring, and I also find it amusing to see them work themselves up into a frenzy. You can watch QVC streaming online (for Vitamix tune in 10/27 at 7a, 1p, 6p, or 8p-midnight Pacific Time).

What is the Vitamix 6000 designed for?

Vitamix says that it’s “inspired by one of our top-selling commercial machines.” Presumably they are referring to the Barboss, which has the same front panel, except that the locations of the pulse and start-stop switches are swapped, and the preset times are shorter. I understand the appeal of the Barboss much better than this 6000 model. The Barboss is for a bartender or barista to make a variety of pre-set drinks in a busy setting where they may be doing many things at once. They can put a specified amount of ingredients in and then get a consistent result. For home use I think preset times are less useful, because the home chef is more likely to change the types and quantities of ingredients. (That is, unless you’re cranking out tons of margaritas at a party…)

Compared to the Barboss, the preset times on the 6000 include longer runs so that it can be used for heating soup. However, for general use I think it’s a shame that they left out the variable speed control. When you don’t want to completely pulverize everything the variable speed is extremely useful—for example with pesto. The pulse switch gives some control, but not nearly as much as the variable speed.

The cynic in me says that this machine is designed specifically for QVC so that they can advertise it as the “latest and greatest” new model. Compared to the 6300, it is interesting to have the presets labeled with times instead of tasks, but I think the lack of variable speed is a big loss.

How does the 6000 compare to other Vitamix machines?

At Vitamix’s list price of $599 it is not appealing. At QVC’s featured price of $399, it’s not bad, but I’d say there are better choices. I am a strong proponent of the value of Vitamix’s Certified Reconditioned machines. Reconditioned machines have the same length warranty as QVC models (5 years), and they are usually indistinguishable from brand new machines. Compared to the 6000, I would recommend either the Standard for $329, or if you want presets, the Standard Presets for $379. With either, you save money over the 6000, and you get variable speed control. Alternatively, for slightly more you could go for a Next Generation model. See my comparison page for more details. I’d rank the 6000 above the 2-speed, but below all of the other Vitamix models.

If you buy from Vitamix, make sure you get free shipping by applying promotion code 06-007021. For more details see my page about the Vitamix promo code.

If you cannot stomach the idea of buying reconditioned, I would recommend the 5200. (Of course, I don’t think there’s any reason not to go with reconditioned—especially since the parts most likely to show any sign of use, such as the container shell and cookbook, are always replaced with brand new ones.) Spending just a little more than the Vitamix 6000 gets you variable speed and two years more warranty. It doesn’t have the timer settings, but I don’t think that’s a big deal.

Another benefit of ordering direct from Vitamix is that if you decide to return your machine within 30 days they will pay for the return shipping in addition to giving you a full refund. Last I checked with QVC, they will give you a refund, but will not cover the return shipping.

About the name “12-in-1 Automatic Blender”

Automatic refers to the fact that the blender has programs that turn it off after a specified amount of time. 12-in-1 refers to the 12 appliances that Vitamix suggests that this blender can replace. Some of them are a bit of a stretch, but here is the list from Vitamix marketing materials:

  1. Whole Food Juicer
  2. Blender
  3. Food Processor
  4. Stick Blender
  5. Hand Mixer
  6. Ice Cream Maker
  7. Ice Crusher
  8. Meat Grinder
  9. Chopper
  10. Cheese Grater
  11. Peanut Butter Maker
  12. Hot Soup Maker


P.S. I know the blog has been quiet lately, but my house has not been! I’ve got a bunch of things on deck. Here’s a little peek:

Power Blenders!

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New Model Vitamix 6000 12-in-1 Automatic Blender — 32 Comments

  1. Interesting! I can’t imagine buying a Vitamix without variable speed control.

    We have had ours for 2 months now and are loving it!!! We got a reconditioned Pro 300–it is terrific.

    Do you use ear plugs with all the blending you do? My husband asked me to use them–particularly when blending frozen fruit. 🙂

    Thanks for all the information!

  2. Thank you for your honest opinions website. We were just about to buy a Vitamix 6000 (through QVC) and reconsidered and bought a 379 reconditioned one as a result of your review (and used your promo code 😉 ). Thanks!

    • My promo code is 06-007021, and it gives free shipping on Vitamix machines (or takes $25 off if you decide to pay extra for expedited shipping). If you click one of the links to a Vitamix machine from my site the promo code should be applied automatically, and you should see it appear in your cart. If you don’t see it, you can type it in to the “Promotion Code” box in your shopping cart.

  3. I hate to disagree but I think it comes down to what your going to use the blender for. The 6000 suits my needs. My experience with the Vitamix most recipes I go from 1 to 10 instantly. Would a variable speed control have been nice to tack on yes absolutely but I can live without it. The 5 year warranty is still pretty good compared to other brands. If this is going to break it will be before 5 years.The price was right on QVC plus I like the fact I could get the dry container for a good price. Don’t really care about the smoothie container that it comes with way over priced at $22 (on the website) I buy the exact same model for $5.50 bulk. The color option was also nice to have and if I absolutey dislike it, believe I have until Janaury to return it. So you ask what do I use it for mostly, like 98% of the time smoothies, soup and nut butter. I have a 10 year old kick butt Cuisnart food processor that I use as my knife I own Henckels but still use the Cuisnart most of the time for chopping and dough. So I really think this machine will work just fine once you figure out how to use it like any type of appliance or cookware. I know taking away the variable speed control is a big deal to those that need that function but I am fine with it. Just to add a last note it totally cracks me up when they get all fired up tasting the food like it is the best thing they have ever tasted for every recipe. Makes me laugh hard. I especially like when Wolfgang is on HSN, the host has nothing bad to ever say about anything. Have not seen it in a few years but I am sure it is the same. Sales people right…..

  4. I was considering a reconditioned model, but then saw the deal on QVC. I liked the easy pay option spread out over six months,plus free shipping.

  5. Just purchased the 6000 fom qvc and having second thoughts. I was hoping to use this for cheeses as well as soups and smoothies. Do I need to purchase a dry container for bread and cheeses?

    • You do not need a dry container for bread and cheeses. When you say bread, do you mean grinding grain to make bread, or do you mean blending bread to make breadcrumbs? You can do either with the standard container, but grinding grain will quickly heavily scratch/pit the container, so many people like to have a dedicated container for that.

  6. I agree with the pp – I’m just a smoothie maker so I don’t need variable speed . I would never use it. The 6000 works great for what I need and I love it

  7. Update …..the new 6000 works great and I love the timer more than I thought. It comes in extremely handy when your cooking and using the Vitamix as part of a meal. Received it Monday and I have used it for almond butter, peanut butter, baked potato soup, cream of asparagus, Mac & cheese and many smoothies/juice drinks. Everything turned out really awesome as expected.

  8. I have a question about the noise level to expect – I purchased a reconditioned vitamix a few months ago and love, love, love it….except for the noise. After researching it thoroughly prior to purchase, I anticipated loud – and it was loud, however, worth it based on performance. Problem is, it seems to have gotten louder still over the last few weeks – and after hearing the sound level of one of my friends vitamix I realize mine is nearly deafening in contrast. I have contacted the company, but have not heard back as of yet (three days). Any thoughts? I was thinking of getting another reconditioned model for my daughter, but now am reconsidering….

    • If it’s been getting louder, then that indicates a problem. Vitamix is often not great about getting back to people, especially at busy times of the year like now, so your best bet to get ahold of them is to wait on the phone until you talk to someone. Once you get a person on the line, they will take care of you.
      The one time I experienced a machine getting louder was due to the retainer nut on the bottom of the container starting to loosen. If that is indeed the problem, you can tighten it with your fingers, which will temporarily fix the problem until you get in touch with Vitamix.

  9. Brought Vita-Mix 6000 QVC Special. :ove the convenience and it has a left side pulse switch that offers ‘variable action’. Absolutely love this model and recommend it. I am not sure I need the dry container since I don’t bake. Any ideas? My lapband constricts my diet (get the bad joke?)

    • If you buy direct from Vitamix, return shipping is free. All other stores that I’ve heard of charge return shipping, and that cost will depend on how you send it (and from where). You can estimate the cost by knowing that the Vitamix in it’s shipping box with everything weighs ~16 lbs.

  10. I just purchased the 6000 from Groupon for $299. and a 5 year warranty. It was the only deal available from Groupon and I think it’s great.
    My goal was to get a Vitamix before my husband’s next oral surgery so I can make soups and well blended smoothies. Currently, I use a a Waring Pro Blender I bought for about 40 bucks at Home D. It doesn’t even pulverize bananas. 🙁 (Another appliance to be donated to the SPCA)
    I borrowed the Vitamix CIA Professional Series for 3 months. I made sorbet twice, many smoothies, and an epic fail soup. For the cost, 600.00 plus, and my needs, I couldn’t justify spending the money.
    For bread and mixing, I have a Kitchen Aid (from the made in the USA generation) that has every gadget, ice cream maker, and bowl possible. I love it and use it all of the time. I use the gadgets and wish I could design more gadgets for the darn thing. It’s great!
    I don’t think I made a bad decision with not getting the variable control Vitamix. If my smoothie takes more than the set time, I’ll simply press the button again or use the pulse button.

    Overall, I think your review of the 6000 was a little jaded, but then again, you probably do things with your Vitamix that I probably won’t do.

      • Adam,
        The variable speed might be available to you, but when I search for Variable speed Vitamix, there is nothing. It must not be available in my area. :-(. I think it will be fine. If you know of low carbohydrate and/or vegetarian recipes for the 6000, I’m all ears.

        • I linked to the reconditioned variable speed Vitamix in my previous comment. (It’s the same as the 5200…) Not currently offered by Groupon, but Vitamix is selling it…

          All of the recipes on this site are vegetarian. I do not add sweeteners beyond whole fruits, except for the occasional dessert. There are also plenty of savory recipes. You can find the recipe list linked in the top menu bar, or here it is directly:

          • Oh, I thought you meant it was on Groupon. Got it. If I am not in love with the timered model, I’ll return it. Thanks for the recipe link. Jesse

  11. I absolutely love my Vitamix 6000. I think it is the best blender available. It is so easy using the presets because it is timed and you don’t have to change speeds. It also yields consistent blending results. You just throw in your ingredients, select the right preset, flip the on switch, and you are done. However, I don’t care about making Pesto since I bought it for whole food fruit and vegetable smoothies for a healthier diet. The convenience of presets greatly outweighs giving-up the fine adjustment of variable blending in my opinion. I can always Pulse Blend or select as lower preset for texture. Also, the older-style tall and narrow pitcher offers better performance over new generation pitchers according to reviews. I plan on using my Vitamix blender all the time so I prefer it sitting tall rather than tucked under a kitchen cabinet. I read this article criticizing the absence of Variable Speed and got a little worried, but I knew I made the right decision when I examined the differences before the unit arrived. I absolutely could not be any happier with my purchase. The presets really make blending an absolute pleasure. I believe that I am more likely to use it often because it is so easy to use. I say forget Variable Speed and buy the Vitamix 6000. Changing the presets to timing was purely genius engineering. The recipe book tells you which preset to use and it takes no-time to master their use. I would not change a thing about this blender. It is the most amazing blender in the world!

    • Thanks for sharing your experience, and I’m glad to hear you are enjoying your new machine. The presets are great for some people. To anyone else reading along, I just want to point out that there are other models that have both presets and variable speed. (Actually every model with presets other than the 6000 also has variable speed control.)

  12. I think something that would help readers determine the model that best suits their needs is knowing the difference between Preset Capabilities. The Vitamix 6000 has 6 presets, which are :20 for milkshakes and cocktails, :30 for frozen desserts and fresh fruit smoothies, 1:00 for nut butters, dressings, and marinades, 1:30 for whole food juices and smoothies , 4:30 for creamy hot soups and fondues, and finally 6:30 for thick hot soups and sauces. The 6300 / Pro 500 is closest to the 6000 model in similarity. While it has Variable Speed, it sacrifices preset functionality down to only three: smoothies, frozen desserts, and hot soups. Also, it is labeled by blend category rather than blend time. I would say that the 6300 / Pro 500 models keep the 3 most-useful presets. There may be occasions where the higher blending control of Variable Speed comes in handy just as there are occasions where the higher selection of presets is most convenient. The Pro 750 comes with 5 presets and Variable Speed, but has a new generation pitcher which may be considered either a pro or con depending upon the user’s preference and performance characteristics. However, the presets are the 3 main ones plus purées and cleaning. I wouldn’t mind having Variable Speed in addition to the 6 presets, but I really prefer the convenience of having a wider range of presets. I believe that I can fine-tune the blend consistency well enough to suit my needs. While ramping-up the RPMs, you have to consider the timing to get that perfect blend that seems more complex. As I gain experience, I will probably start experimenting and gaining a blend-texture preference but I’m not very picky. I believe that the Vitamix 6000 is the best balance of features for my needs. I feel very lucky to have gotten it at a very good price. I would recommend the 6300 / Pro 500 for those that lean towards having more-precise control over timing and blender speed and the Pro 750 for those who absolutely must have a lower-height, next generation blending pitcher. This has been one of the most helpful articles that I have read for deciding between Vitamix blender models.

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